Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que nous proposons désormais des produits Gaia Green sélectionnés dans des formats commerciaux destinés aux paysagistes, aux pépinières et aux agriculteurs. La plupart des produits peuvent être ramassés sans préavis du lundi au vendredi de 7 h 30 à 17 h 00 à notre entrepôt GreenStar North indiqué ci-dessous. Reportez-vous à la section Gaia Green de notre Guide des produits commerciaux pour voir la disponibilité complète des produits.
Nous sommes investis dans le succès de nos clients, en commençant par le respect d'un haut niveau d'éthique lors de l'approvisionnement en ingrédients de qualité pour tous nos produits. Nos normes de fabrication strictes sont complétées par les principes de fabrication au plus juste.
Nous sommes une équipe collaborative de scientifiques, d'agronomes et de producteurs, et nous prenons très au sérieux notre responsabilité envers la production de cultures biologiques. Notre équipe est disponible pour dépanner à tout moment pour assurer votre succès.

MARKET FARMERSAs farmers, when you invest in your soil, you are ensuring better crops year after year. At Gaia Green, we understand that every decision you make just has to make good economic sense. Gaia Green has one of the largest selections of attested organic soil nutrients for balancing your soil fertility and meeting your specific needs. From seed to harvest, in the greenhouse, high tunnel, and field, Gaia Green products are designed to support your specific crop needs and production regime. Timely applications of our attested products support the life in your soil, ultimately increasing yields while increasing nutrient density within the plant and in the fruit.
FIELD CROPSWhether you are producing crops to feed livestock or humans, there is no greater opportunity to mitigate climate change than through regenerative agriculture while at the same time ensuring your bottom line is as healthy as the crops you harvest. Regenerative agriculture practices like building soil organic matter can sequester vast amounts of carbon and is a long-term investment on any farm to ensure healthy harvests year after year. Our products work together to support beneficial microbe populations while simultaneously providing the crop its essential nutrients to ensure the harvest you need.
MUNICIPAL LANDSCAPES, BOULEVARDS, AND GREENSPACES"Urban populations are challenging their municipal governments to adopt environmentally conscious landscape management practices. Granulated formulations such as Gaia Green Turf 8-2-3, Gaia Green All Purpose 4-4-4, and Gaia Green Power Bloom 2-8-4 provide slow release and easily applied nutrients for parks, boulevards, and even hanging baskets. Our complete, complex formulations eliminate the need for liquid fertilizers.
CANNABIS AND HEMP GROWERSCannabis is still a relatively ‘wild’ plant, making strong relationships with microbial populations in the soil. Using the carbohydrates made through photosynthesis, the cannabis plant will exude these sugars through its roots to help choose which microbes it needs to help create specific secondary metabolites such as cannabinoids and terpenes. Ensuring your soil has a robust and diverse population of beneficial bacteria and fungi will not only deliver you exceptional yields but provide the taste and aroma your customers are looking for. Gaia Green All Purpose 4-4-4 and Gaia Green Power Bloom 2-8-4, along with Gaia Green Worm Castings, are the preferred solutions to bolster your soil with life. Alternatively, Gaia Green Primal Earth is designed specifically for cannabis. From seed to harvest indoor and outdoor container production throughout the growing cycle, or for starting outdoor in-soil production.
GREENHOUSE AND NURSERIESIt all starts with a great potting mix. Gaia Green All Purpose 4-4-4, Glacial Rock Dust, along with Gaia Green Worm Castings, will activate your custom media and produce amazing plants. Gaia Green’s Living Soil is a complex pre-mixed media with everything you need to start strong plants naturally. Whether you’re growing food plants or ornamentals, our natural products will produce plant vigor and save you money. Granulated All Purpose 4-4-4 and Power Bloom 2-8-4 applied as a slow-release top-dress have the right ingredients to optimize yields while providing your plants what they need to help them achieve their highest potential.
ORCHARDSTimely nutrition is critical, from blossoms to fruit fill. Poor nutrition at any stage will not only affects this year’s crop but next year’s as well. Our products can help size up your fruit while creating fewer grade-outs. Healthy soils through good nutrition and good soil biology not only support your trees and other perennial crops but allows them to best express their unique flavours, textures, and colours.
VINEYARDSThe concept of terroir is often associated with the mineral components of the soil. However, its biology is too often neglected. Beyond climate, the interrelationship of soil microbiology and the elemental properties of soil drives the flavour of wines. As grape growers, your goal is to ensure the vines have just the right balance of nutrients to produce the desired Brix, while too much vigor can lead to more shoots and poor clusters. Gaia Green Organics can provide mineral diversity to support cluster development and increase Brix.
COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL GARDENS AND SILVICULTUREFood security for our communities is needed now more than ever. Protecting our young people with nutrient-dense foods will boost their immunity. Knowing how your food is produced, combined with the skill of being able to grow some of your own food, is becoming increasingly essential. From worm castings to potting soils, Gaia Green Organics does not contain conventional chemicals or additives, so you have peace of mind when growing high-quality food.
GROW MEDIA PRODUCERSHome gardens, lawns, commercial greenhouses are just a few of the customers for soil companies. Custom mixing soil for a vast array of sectors can become rather specialized. Gaia Green Organics has a comprehensive list of natural and organic attested ingredients, including kelp meal, insect frass, rock dusts, alfalfa meal, rock phosphate, fishbone meal, etc., to create the perfect designer soil. Please contact our technical sales team to customize a blend specific to your needs.
SPORTS FIELD AND GOLF COURSESFrom your backyard to the soccer field to the back nine, turf maintenance is all about keeping your grass healthy. Too much fertility and your turf is prone to diseases and grubs; too little and it just doesn’t look inviting. Managing turf with the right type of nitrogen is critical, but ensuring adequate calcium, potassium, and silica is available will help strengthen any grass stand. Gaia Green Granulated Turf 8-2-3 is best suited to providing the balance that will keep your turf in the best shape possible.
Gaia Green Organics se consacre à assurer des rendements et des performances optimaux en alimentant le sol avec des amendements organiques de qualité. Nous encourageons l'utilisation de produits biologiques dans nos communautés urbaines et rurales, et notre engagement envers la responsabilité sociale et environnementale nous a poussés à fournir des produits de haute performance depuis plus de trois décennies.
Nos produits vont au-delà de la technologie NPK et sont conçus pour augmenter l'activité biologique, améliorer les processus biologiques naturels et compléter le complexe minéral du sol.
Nous sommes investis dans la réussite de nos clients. Notre gamme de produits est appliquée dans les serres, les paysages, les pépinières, les terrains de sport, les fermes, les installations de cannabis, la plantation d'arbres et la production sylvicole, les zones riveraines, les jardins communautaires. Si votre projet concerne le sol, nous avons le système nutritif approprié. Tout commence dans notre usine de production. Nous commençons par nous approvisionner en ingrédients naturels basés sur la qualité pour nous assurer que les spécifications les plus élevées sont respectées. Notre objectif est de cultiver des relations à long terme mutuellement bénéfiques fondées sur la confiance, des produits de qualité et un service de classe mondiale.
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Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que nous proposons désormais des produits Gaia Green sélectionnés dans des formats commerciaux destinés aux paysagistes, aux pépinières et aux agriculteurs. La plupart des produits peuvent être ramassés sans préavis du lundi au vendredi de 7 h 30 à 17 h 00 à notre entrepôt GreenStar North indiqué ci-dessous. Reportez-vous à la section Gaia Green de notre Guide des produits commerciaux pour voir la disponibilité complète des produits.